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Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of clients do you work with?

We typically work with macro and mega influencers (think like >100,000 Instagram followers) although certain micro influencers with highly-engaged, highly-targeted followings are great clients for us and we can have tremendous impact for them.  We work directly with influencers and/or their representatives if they have management in place.


Do you work with brands or agencies?

Absolutely NOT.  We are 100% focused on content creators and influencers and maximizing the money they can make via their platforms.  If we took on brand clients, then we would have a responsibility to maximize their marketing ROI which would mean that we wouldn’t be maximizing the money content creators and influencers make.


How can you help me better understand my audience?

In our Phase 1 Discovery offering we use proprietary data and advanced data analytics tools and algorithms to comprehensively analyze your audience data.  We will also work closely with you to do a customized survey of your followers to get deep into your relationship with them and find areas for you to develop.  We analyze a range of metrics including age, gender, location, interests, engagement rates, and more.  We'll identify key trends, demographics, and behavior patterns to help you make informed content decisions and better target partner categories and brands.


Can you help identify untapped niches or segments within my audience? 

Absolutely. We'll pinpoint any emerging niches or underutilized segments within your audience, helping you diversify your content and audience engagement strategies.  Our analysis will offer insights into these different segments which you can use to tailor your content and provide more value in your brand deals.


Can you find out follower sentiment towards my content?

Yes, during the Discovery process, we have a few ways to gauge how your followers feel about you and your content and how it resonates?


Can you help me identify new revenue opportunities?

Yes, we'll explore various revenue streams and monetization opportunities, including sponsorships, merchandise, affiliate marketing, and more, tailored to your brand and audience demand.


I have an idea for a new business.  Will you help me put together a business plan?

If there is a significant business opportunity and a winning proposition for everyone, yes of course.  Every client must go through the phase 1 Discovery process first to determine viability.  Afterwards, if we both agree there is a clear path for a viable business startup we will move to the Business Development Phase 2.


What is involved in a Phase 2 project?

Our team will work closely with you to define your brand's unique value proposition, conduct market and competitor analysis, identify product categories and or portfolio of products, put together an operating model, develop a sales and marketing strategy, develop economic projections, and forecast your capital needs.


Can you explain how you can assist in the actual launch of my new business venture?

Once we get through Phases 1 and 2 and together agree to move on to execution, we provide an outsourced multifunctional business management service which we call Phase 3. This operates more like a partnership where we recruit/assemble a world-class team to focus on your success. We handle all of the business operations for you such as managing finances, inventory, logistics, customer service and more. It is truly designed to allow you to be the creative force behind your brand and engage your followers while we handle the business side of things. Our expert staff will partner with you to manage key processes like Product Development, Global Sourcing, Manufacturing & Supply Chain, Marketing & Promotion, E-Commerce, Pricing and Profitability, Inventory Management, and, depending on your product or service, Regulatory Compliance.


How do you charge for your services?

We charge a fixed fee for Phase 1 Discovery with half due up front and the balance due upon delivery of the final report.  Rates for Phase 2 Business Planning and Phase 3 Operational Management are negotiated based on the scope of work.

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