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Why Phase 3?

Despite the built-in advantages top creators have with their reach and influence, it takes a lot more to launch, operate, and scale a consumer brand. This is where our 100 plus years of business management and operations make all the difference.

Areas of Expertise

Business Operations
  • Running a business requires a host of business operations capabilities, such as managing finances, inventory, logistics, and customer service

  • It can be a steep challenge to balance these responsibilities alongside other responsibilities such as content creation and maintaining an online presence

Product Development
  • Creating a high-quality and innovative product that meets customer expectations can be a complex process

  • Time and resource investment in product research and development, testing, and iterating is needed to ensure new product offerings are compelling

Manufacturing & Supply Chain
  • Setting up manufacturing processes, sourcing quality materials, and managing the supply chain can be complex and time-consuming

  • To ensure product quality and timely delivery it is best to partner with someone experienced in supply chain operation and experienced manufacturers 

Marketing & Promotion
  • While influencers have an advantage in terms of their reach, they still need to effectively market and promote to reach a broader customer base

  • This requires strategic planning, a full-funnel marketing strategy, and potentially collaborating with other influencers or platforms to increase brand visibility

Pricing &
  • Determining the right pricing strategy that aligns with the product's value proposition while also ensuring profitability can be challenging

  • We evaluate cost of goods sold, overhead, competitor pricing, and customer willingness to pay to establish sustainable pricing models

Inventory Management
  • Balancing inventory levels to meet demand without incurring excessive costs or stockouts can be a delicate balancing act

  • We work to accurately forecast demand, manage stock levels, and optimize the supply chain to maintain adequate inventory levels

Regulatory Compliance
  • Entering industries such as health, wellness, beauty, food may require navigating regulatory requirements and compliance with laws and regulations

  • This is time consuming and requires specific expertise to comply with requirements for labeling, safety, or health standards

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